Greater Buffalo's Premier Organics Recycling and Compost Professionals

Phase II dates:
January 26, 2024 thru January 24, 2025
For a FULL YEAR West Seneca residents will get FREE access to our Composting Drop Off Program!
During the Spring and Summer of 2023, a pilot composting program took place for four months sponsored by an anonymous West Seneca resident. Participants collected food scraps at home and brought them to the drop off location throughout the pilot. Due to positive feedback at the conclusion of this 4 month pilot, the Town of West Seneca has decided to take it a step further by continuing the pilot into Phase II! This next phase of the pilot will take place over one full year. Phase II will include more available space for sign ups, monthly check ins with residents to understand how the pilot is progressing and can be improved, and will help us understand whether composting options in West Seneca have support to expand in the future.
Composting benefits everyone by:
Reducing landfill waste
Improving soil and plant health
Creating a cleaner community
Supporting a local economy
How it Works:
After you sign up, you will receive a welcome email with all the information needed to participate. Keeping track of the participants will be key information when assessing the success of this program. Let's get composting!
Why Compost?
Did you know that most of what you throw away is not in fact garbage, but a highly reusable resource? Composting keeps those organic materials in production, out of landfills and instead uses them to revitalize and fertilize soil to grow healthy plants, all while creating a cleaner, healthier community!
How do I participate?
Composting with the Farmer Pirates is easy!
Simply collect your food scraps in an easy to clean container with a tight fitting lid such as a tupperware, metal bowl, bucket, etc. To make clean out easier you could line this container with newspaper, a paper bag or even a BPI certified compostable bag.
Drop off what you have collected and we take care of the rest!
What can I compost?
Wondering what items we accept? You can find our basic list HERE.
So many things can be composted with Farmer Pirates like the obvious fruit and vegetable scraps, but also grains, bread, dairy, eggshells, coffee grounds and more. The big No-No's are meat, bones and large quantities oils.
Although we can take small amounts of plant trimmings, yard waste drop off is already free for residents by taking it to 500 Mineral Springs - Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Drop Off Location
Anytime 24/7 drop off your food scraps in one of the bins permanently located nearby the West Seneca Community Center. Exact location details will be sent following sign up.
West Seneca Phase II Pilot FAQs
What is composting anyway?
Composting is the natural process of recycling organic matter, such as leaves and food scraps, into a valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil and plants.
Why should I participate?
This pilot program will allow you to compost without any work or upkeep. You collect your food scraps at home and drop off whenever works for you. Farmer Pirates takes it from there! The EPA estimates 24% of all municipal solid waste is food. Participation in this pilot makes it simple to keep your food scraps out of the landfill and compost them instead.
How should I collect my scraps at home?
Simply choose a container to collect in and get going! While prepping meals, toss unused fruit and veggies parts in your collection container. Got leftovers that have gone bad? As long as they don't contain meat, toss them in. Fruits, veggies, or dairy gone bad, add them too!
What container should I use ?
You can use whatever container you have on hand with a lid, or even purchase a nice countertop collector. In order to make less trips to the drop off location, you can use a smaller container for daily collection and empty that into a larger container to be used to transport to the drop off.
How often should I drop off?
Once per week works for most households. My family fills about a 5 gallon bucket each week. If your family produces less or more scraps you may want to come more or less often. We recommend dropping off at least once every 2 weeks.
Can I drop off yard waste?
Yard waste should be brought to 500 Mineral Springs - Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM
As long as your collection container/s have a tight fitting lid, fruit flies should not become a problem. In the warmer months you may want to freeze your fruit or tomato scraps before putting them into your collection container.
What about fruit flies?
Will this pilot attract rodents?
Our bins at the drop off location are emptied weekly and kept clean. The latches/locks keep them securely shut. We have yet to receive any feedback or evidence from any of our drop off locations that our bins attract rodents.
Why is the Town paying for this when they already pay for trash and recycling?
Not only is food waste a significant burden on the environment, but processing it is costly. The average cost to landfill municipal solid waste in the United States was around $55 per ton in 2019. With the United States generating more than 267 million tons of municipal waste in 2017 and sending two-thirds of that to landfills and incinerators, we already spent billions of dollars on waste management. Since food scraps are the heaviest items we throw away daily, the goal is that diverting food scraps will either produce a savings for the town or at least a break even with many environmental and community benefits.
What can I include in my bucket? Are there any no-no’s?
You can get all the details at Betterbin. There are the obvious no no's like plastic, glass and metal. Please no meat or bones. Some other not so clear items are corks, gum, kitty litter or dog poop, we can't take it. Rabbit and hamster waste/bedding are fine! If you’re unsure, just ask.
How can I cancel?
Each month you will receive a Check In form, either via text or email. If you decide you no longer want to participate you can let us know on this check in form.
What if my bucket starts to smell?
There are a few things we recommend. First try adding a bit of shredded newspaper (b&w only please). You could also try sprinkling on a bit of baking soda to absorb the smell. Finally, if you are going to put something in there that you are quite certain will smell can put it in a bag in the freezer until closer to your pick-up day!
I'm moving out of West what?
Want to continue composting? We offer our composting services in many neighborhoods around the Buffalo area. If you are moving to Williamsville, Amherst, Tonawanda, Cheektowaga, Lancaster, Kenmore, East Aurora, Buffalo or Hamburg check out the rest of our website to see the services we offer!
Phase II?
During the Spring and Summer of 2023, a pilot composting program took place for four months sponsored by an anonymous West Seneca resident. Participants collected food scraps at home and brought them to the drop off location throughout the pilot. Due to positive feedback at the conclusion of this 4 month pilot, the Town of West Seneca has decided to take it a step further by continuing the pilot into Phase II! This next phase of the pilot will take place over one full year. Phase II will include more available space for sign ups, monthly check ins with residents to understand how the pilot is progressing and can be improved, and will help us understand whether composting options in West Seneca have support to expand in the future.